Have you ever set up tables in snowflake and realized later than you have varchar types instead of currency fields? This is common in Snowflake since it’s not a relational…
Creating a Simple Node.js App with Google OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Providing users with a seamless login experience is crucial. One popular method is to allow users to log in using their Google accounts. A developer reached out to me this…
Using HTML5 localStorage to store objects and arrays
Did you know that you can use localStorage to store JSON objects and arrays? Many times you will need quick access to these items and you shouldn’t have to duplicate…
Stopwords in multiple languages
If you build data visualizations you have run into the issues of useless words destroying the value of your display. You should find a way to implement these “stopwords” into…
What I’ve learned About Data Visualization
If you are working, in any capacity, chances are you see and use data visualizations everyday. There is so much data moving around, you have to find a way to…
Scaling graphics with retinajs
If you are building applications or websites, you need to account for retina/high resolution devices now. Here is a javascript plugin that will make it easier. http://retinajs.com/
Cool search filter with isotope and bootstrap
Using 2 common libraries (isotope & bootstrap typeahead), I built out an interesting responsive search type for a current project. Ive placed the code in my public git. Fork at…
How To: Dynamic Google Analytic Event Tagging Script
So, I was tasked with a small project to build a nice little script that would target specific tags on a web page and drop Google Analytic Event codes on…