This really comes down to relationship vs influence. Its a critical piece of understanding when providing insights and logical decision making. Correlation refers to the degree of association or relationship…
A simple understanding of ETL in Data
Okay, let’s imagine that you love playing with blocks and you want to build a really cool tower. To build this tower, you need to collect different kinds of blocks,…
“Mastering Data Collection: A Quick Guide to Structuring Application Data for Optimal Insights
Data collection is a crucial component of modern applications. From user behavior to system performance, application data provides valuable insights that can help improve the user experience and optimize application…
Data Observability: Monte Carlo : Use Cases
So, the POC is in full swing and I have to say, even without the use cases we are pretty sold on the platform. We came in with a problem…
Data Observability: POC, Implementation and Process with Monte Carlo
A modern data stack has a number of components that you can’t live without. Until about a month ago, I’m really embarrassed to say that I never considered or even…
Technology Planning: API First Design
How to structure teams for API first development isn’t as complicated as you might think.
Challenging Everything We Know About Type 2 Diabetes Management, with Data
Diabetes is a disease of the unengaged. So, how do you influence the behavior of 100 million Americans(1) who are living with or are in the first stages of diabetes?
Collection: Collect everything, no exceptions.
By far, the most damaging mistake you can make in analytics is not collecting all potential data points.
Conquering Analytics: Collection, Validation, Enhancement, Accessibility
In the SaaS world, analytics powers existing development and should determine the next steps in the path for the future of products and services. So if I asked the question,…
Analytics: Storytelling not data reporting
So often I get requests like “I need this metric.” or “When can we have this report?” Part of the job is enablement and facilitation but there is also the…