Looking at this photo taken by the Cassini spacecraft, you realize how insignificant we are.
Image of the Day: Underwater River
Amazing. More about the story and additional photos here: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/07/underwater-river/
Meatloaf for dinner? Not again mom.
At least this graphic isn’t 10 minutes long. Should i create an “extended” version?
Ill never give up…
More analytics magic…because at the end of the day, cliche’s and relevant metrics are what matter.
Image of the Day: Lego Back to the Future Set
Coming August 1st! http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/96
Create your own scraper and endpoints. Sort of…
YQL (Yahoo! Query Language) gives you some possible control over creating scrapers and rest endpoints very quickly. Uses basic SQL syntax. http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/?q=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D’http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fworld’%20and%20xpath%3D’%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40class%3D%22content%22%5D%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40class%3D%22txt%22%5D%2Fp’#h=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%27http%3A//www.pinterest.com/hersheycompany%27%20and%20xpath%3D%27//*%5Bcontains%28concat%28%22%20%22%2C%20normalize-space%28@class%29%2C%20%22%20%22%29%2C%20%22%20UserInfoBar%20%22%29%5D/ul%27 Hit test, this is a basic scraper that…
The Devil Does Not Cut His Own Grass
In AD 325, at the First Council of Nicaea, many of the bishops came together to consolidate all of the stories of the many versions of the bible that were…
Dont lose focus. Remember WHY you are where you are.
Strategy. $$ can sometimes shift focus from long term strategy to short term strategy. Usually, a successful company is known for something. If you are the best, do not compromise…
Only have Sysomos tweet context? Extract username from URL.
Using regular expressions you can extract the username from a twitter URL. var twitterURL = item.link; var twitterName = twitterURL.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?twitter\.com\/(#!\/)?@?([^\/]*)/)[3];
Placeholders in forms for IE9
Took about 3 min to get this in place. IE9 doesnt support placeholders. This adds that functionality with NO changes to existing code. https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholder