An ongoing debate in the world of content strategy, design, experience and development is that of how much is too much. I have been around the development world for a…
Reality Mining, are you ready?
I saw an interesting program recently that opened my eyes to a fascinating concept. It is nothing new, in fact, social data mining has been an institution for years. Every…
Create your own scraper and endpoints. Sort of…
YQL (Yahoo! Query Language) gives you some possible control over creating scrapers and rest endpoints very quickly. Uses basic SQL syntax.*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D’’%20and%20xpath%3D’%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40class%3D%22content%22%5D%2F%2Fdiv%5B%40class%3D%22txt%22%5D%2Fp’#h=select%20*%20from%20html%20where%20url%3D%27http%3A//*%5Bcontains%28concat%28%22%20%22%2C%20normalize-space%28@class%29%2C%20%22%20%22%29%2C%20%22%20UserInfoBar%20%22%29%5D/ul%27 Hit test, this is a basic scraper that…
Only have Sysomos tweet context? Extract username from URL.
Using regular expressions you can extract the username from a twitter URL. var twitterURL =; var twitterName = twitterURL.match(/https?:\/\/(www\.)?twitter\.com\/(#!\/)?@?([^\/]*)/)[3];
Nice Twitter API Wrapper with TweetSharp
Found this little nugget while doing some research for a new project. Easily access the Twitter API methods.
Facebook Apps, Google Analytic Goals and Reportable Value
Facebook has been a point of contention for social media data collectors for a while now. Mostly because the data that is available is only what user privacy restrictions will…